Lupus Symptoms – Ways to Reverse It

What you can do to minimize the symptoms of lupus:

Watch your diet

What kind of food you eat contributes to how you are physically. This applies to any disease. Yes, good nutrition plays a key role in our health conditions. Ignoring this principle can aggravate lupus symptoms, increase the pain of the body and can create many more complications and risks.

In the plan to reverse the symptoms of lupus, there are foods that can include for example: milk and milk products, goat milk products, eggs, meats, hot dogs, beans and mushrooms cow. Strictly avoid saturated fats, salt, low-fat, low-cholesterol diet.

Fish oil, cod liver oil, mackerel, sardines, salmon, tuna packed in water are sources of vitamin D is known to relieve lupus symptoms such as pain and swelling of joints and inflammation around the heart and lungs. Most people meet at least some of their vitamin D needs through exposure to sunlight.

Keep your strength and energy

Have symptoms of lupus include body weakness and chronic fatigue must be enabled and strengthened. You can do this with the help of carbohydrate-rich foods such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, fruits and vegetables.

As we know lupus is dysfunction of the immune system, so we need to build and strengthen our immune system to restore proper operation and does not affect our own body system. Vegetable juices and fruit drinks can be the best for you.

Just learn the recipes that can make a perfect mix. One important thing you should even consider your appetite do not tell, do not skip meals. Therefore, it is important to keep your strength so that you can fight lupus symptoms all day.

Try several small meals during the day, but just be careful that you include in your meals and snacks that you are determined to relieve the symptoms of lupus.

You can also try to search for modern forms and easy to reverse the symptoms of lupus

As science and technology advance, the updates can help us stay informed about ideas and techniques to meet our modern diseases. What I mentioned above are practical steps you can take to help. But look! much more is in the power of thine hand to do it.

Lupus Symptoms – Ways to Reverse It

Lupus Symptoms – Ways to Reverse It

via denver pain management

Things To Know About Male Yeast Infection Symptoms

Fungal infections or fungal infections caused by species of Candida yeast. Meanwhile, you should be aware that Candida albicans is the most common fungal infections that can be found in humans, men and women. A woman who is generally focused on the woman’s vagina, as well as easily captured, and fortunately usually easily corrected. It is when a man has a fungal infection that is not so easy to care, as will be seen.

Part of the problem is, of course, the yeast Candida are provided for in the human body. Candida problems only occur when the yeast is allowed to grow unchecked, because not only becomes problematic, but may actually endanger the patient’s life. Regarding the yeast grows out of control, which usually happens when the patient is immunocompromised in some way.

The best example of this would be when the patient has lost its immunity to the disease may be due to HIV / AIDS or mononucleosis. Being on a course of antibiotics can also cause yeast infections male, because it also causes a situation immunocompromised well as in the treatment of certain cancers.

The symptoms of a male yeast infection can often be said to reflect the symptoms of yeast infection women if the infection is in or around the male penis. In this case, the poor suffer from the possibility of finding irregular red sores may be located near the head of the penis itself, but is also sometimes found in the foreskin of the male.

The results can also be very severe itching of the skin of the penis, and sometimes there is a burning sensation that seems like it was completely irresistible as some patients. Often the rash is a red rash, but very angry with scalloped lace edges. However, not all infections year-old male seems easy to diagnose possible eruption.

Other symptoms are within the human body, where the symptoms are much more difficult to detect. Sometimes, for example, it may be very similar to candidiasis, found in the mouth and is highlighted by white spots in the mouth and tongue which may also seem too red and inflamed. Of course, the patient will not want to eat or drink, and be in a state of very reluctant to speak because of the pain involved mind.

This type of yeast infection that is found in the male may lead to very serious serious medical problems. The route takes the infection in the body is the misery it can cause male. For example, the infection moves the groove of the helpless victim, where eventually the entire gastro-intestinal tract of the body, also referred to as the gastrointestinal tract. As you can imagine this causes a huge amount of suffering along the way.

Unfortunately systematic yeast infection then it will be able to give life to ulcers are then along the gastrointestinal tract. It was then that the male subject was satisfied only trying to swallow even liquids become almost unbearable.

As if these symptoms are not enough, there are still other symptoms may accompany ulcers. For example, the patient may also experience nausea and vomiting, and pain in the upper abdomen, which may then manifest itself in chest pains.

If you continue to exist systematic yeast infection untreated at this stage, probably spread to the blood or brain. It was then that may well have many of the same symptoms as the flu, but sometimes the absence of fever may occur. With a little reckless, if outside the body, which can spread throughout the body, and may even have a bloody discharge seen, which is rare.

The patient may or may not also suffer chills. Yeast Infection If the only evident in the groin area, the treatment is easier to achieve, but the foreskin may show some symptoms that can be very unpleasant, like a pasty substance in and around the foreskin, which have a very odor.

As you can imagine, not everyone suffers from the same symptoms of yeast infection male, and some have almost no symptoms at all, if it is not easy to diagnose. If all treated before symptoms do not allow the diagnosis of male yeast infection, you can also search in a huge fatigue and loss of energy. Many have absolutely no appetite, and occasionally there are extremely painful sexual contact or even a fiery consciousness, as long as the penis may come in contact with the patient’s clothing.

Things To Know About Male Yeast Infection Symptoms

Things To Know About Male Yeast Infection Symptoms

via denver pain management

Acid Reflux Therapy

How to get your acid reflux under control

Proper digestion is important for optimal health. Incomplete or inadequate digestion of food is a major cause of many diseases. The problem is to eat healthy foods and high-quality nutritional products are ineffective if these nutrients are not properly absorbed and in turn these incompletely digested products are absorbed into the bloodstream. This ultimately leads to many immune system disorders and serious metabolic diseases.

The most common causes of poor digestion and lack of digestive enzymes from the pancreas, is the lack of stomach acid (HCl), which causes more serious than your excess health problems. In other words, conventional medicine attributes many digestive problems of excess acid in the stomach (heartburn) without proper consideration.

The fact is that most patients who suffer from a lack or absence of HCl, which has the same symptoms as hyperacidity, including the call heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux disease) little after a meal. Undigested food in the absence of HCl results of fermentation and the accumulation of gases that cause the return of food and juices into the esophagus and stomach burning. Other signs of lack of HCl:

excessive burping
swelling due to formation of gas in the fermentation of foods, (no digestion)
excessive feeling of fullness in the stomach caused by the inability of the stomach to digest food
diarrhea or constipation
rectal itching
nausea and drowsiness
Many allergic reactions
and brittle splitting of nail
Dilated blood vessels in the nose and cheeks (red nose and cheeks) if it is not confirmed by other reasons, such as. the use of the alcohol,
post-adolescent acne
The iron deficiency anemia
Chronic intestinal parasites and fungal infections
undigested food in stool
chronic candidiasis
On the basis of an incorrect diagnosis, patients with a loss of HCl even be prescribed drugs to reduce HCl. This can cause blocking of the whole process of digestion (and hence the patient may feel lowering drugs helped initially HCl) and the resulting numerous serious diseases, gradually appear over time, including infections and serious metabolic diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

Functions of the stomach acid (HCl)

digestion of food,
gastrointestinal protection against pathogens in foods
the regulation of intestinal microflora. The optimal healthy intestinal microflora is essential for a healthy immune system. A proliferation of certain intestinal bacteria (e.g., Candida albicans) lead to immune disorders and systemic candidiasis,
the absorption of vitamins and minerals (such as calcium, zinc and iron) and other nutrients
rapid loss of unwanted weight and during the transition to a healthy diet caused by inadequate digestion of nutrients
Some diseases caused by lack of HCL

The lack of protein
Helicobacter pylori (which causes stomach ulcers)
Addison’s disease
Celiac disease
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
Diseases of the bladder
Chronic autoimmune diseases
Chronic Rash
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Myasthenia gravis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Sjögren’s syndrome
Hyper-and hypothyroidism
Mental illness
Gray hair due to lack of minerals
Hair loss (especially women)
And others, including inflammatory, infectious and cancerous
The causes of lack of HCl
Western diet with carbohydrates and excess industrial processed animal protein, dairy products, refined sugar, dehydration – lack of water as the acid form, and others.

Heidelberg test
Heidelberg gastric analysis was developed at the University of Heidelberg in Germany to control the pH of the digestive tract and determining the ability of the parietal cells of the stomach to secrete acid. During the test, the patients swallow a capsule address control the acidity of the digestive system, while the information is transmitted to control the acidity and evaluated. A total of 10 000 patients was examined. Most patients had been diagnosed with an excess of acid in the stomach actually suffered from the lack thereof.

Natural promoters HCl

cider vinegar
black olives
leafy vegetables
sea ​​salt
Creating HCL is also helped by:

Thiamine (vitamin B1)
Niacin (vitamin B3)
Vitamin B6
How to help your digestion

Eat healthy – lots of raw vegetables, reduce the consumption of meat and simple carbohydrates, avoid processed industrial carbohydrates, white flour, cow’s milk, drinking coffee and excessive alcohol. Avoid carbonated and sugary drinks.
Eat at least 5 times a day at lower doses.
Eat slowly and chew carefully.
Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
Take digestive enzymes from the pancreas to renewed self-training.

Acid Reflux Therapy

Acid Reflux Therapy

via fibromyalgia medication

Lupus – Natural Cures For Lupus Symptoms

There was a time when there was not much a doctor can do for a patient with lupus. But there has been remarkable progress since then, and patients find that they have many different treatment options for lupus. Natural remedies can go a long way toward helping patients reduce or eliminate your symptoms.

Here are some natural remedies with lupus have found beneficial.

Fish oil

Lupus causes inflammation, which is largely responsible for joint pain and stiffness in patients with lupus often experience. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which can stop the body to produce biochemical reactions that can cause this inflammation. Try adding more oily fish in your diet. You can also take fish oil supplements.

Vinegar and water penetrates

One of the most troublesome symptoms lupus patients experience pain in the joints of the hand. We use our hands for almost everything, including the performance of essential daily tasks. But if your hands hurt, it can be difficult to do anything whatsoever. One way to relieve the pain in her hands caused by lupus is to soak in a bath of vinegar and water. Mix hot water and two or three tablespoons of vinegar in a sink or large bowl, and soak your hands in the mixture for about 10 or 15 minutes.


Turmeric is an Indian spice that contains a compound called curcumin. Y is an antioxidant curcumin. Many patients who suffer from autoimmune diseases such as lupus, find that taking 400 to 600 about three times a day helps relieve many of their aches and pains, including inflammation and stiffness. In addition, patients with a lupus flare come felt often found that curcumin has been contributed to reducing the severity of the torch.

It is important to receive proper medical treatment, preferably a specialist if you have lupus. Natural remedies, however, can help you find more of lupus pain.

Lupus – Natural Cures For Lupus Symptoms

Lupus – Natural Cures For Lupus Symptoms

via fibromyalgia medication

Fibromyalgia – Common Treatment for This Uncommon Illness

Fibromyalgia is a destructive disease that is becoming more and more each day. The disease is more common in women than in boys and men 40:1. No two people react the same way to the symptoms. Fibromyalsia diagnosed as having symptoms for 3 months of chronic widespread pain in muscles and 11 of the 18 specific tender points in the body.

The pain is aggravated by cold and wet weather, and repetitive activities. Muscle pain can be described as burning, throbbing, stabbing at rest. If your joints, your arthritis. The doctor will start with different options for pain medication. A pain specialist is the best way forward for pain medication and muscle relaxants., But sometimes drugs in the world will not help.

You can come up with a hot shower or cold compresses on the hot spots. Change positions and move up every hour or symptoms may also decrese. The activity is also helpful to lose their strength and decondition.You you do not need to exercise, such as walking, stationary bike and walking in the pool. Jogging, aerobics, basketball is not for you as exercise.

The emotional roller coaster can be controlled by the psychiatrist. Do not be ashamed that helps emotions and makes you much easier to live. Anxiety and stress are associated with depression. A large number of problems that have come to call the ten evils is created.

They include depression, marital difficulties, problems of vocational training, chemical dependency, social isolation, personality changes, increased fatigue, sleep disorders, inadequate beliefs and feelings of helplessness.

There are many physical appearance affects this disease. Fibro fog is defined as captivating pain, which leads to a lack of care on the task at hand. A good memory is important for all of us with fibromyalgia need to focus on one task at a time. Sleep disorders, tension headaches, migraines and bowel and bladder problems are all problems associated with this disease.

The purpose of this article is not to say that there is a pill for every problem. I am a consumer who says who helped me, if you know where to go. You are not alone. Your symptoms are different but the same. Work with your partner to find love, communication, friendship and care. One day we will find a cure. Until then, stay together, two is always stronger than one.

Fibromyalgia – Common Treatment for This Uncommon Illness

Fibromyalgia – Common Treatment for This Uncommon Illness

via fibromyalgia tender points

Is Fibromyalgia Because of Hormone Loss?

This is a very good question, which appears regularly in women over 50. Most women who thought they had fibromyalgia, once they went on bioidentical hormones, known symptoms that they felt that are associated with fibromyalgia.

What is fibromyalsia? Symptoms of fibromyalgia – also known as fibromyalgia syndrome or FMS include many of the same symptoms of menopause or hormonal imbalance.

Widespread pain is the most common symptom of fibromyalgia, according to a study that indicates what you say in 97 percent of patients with fibromyalgia.

Currently one of the most common disorders and the syndrome of chronic and complex pain, fibromyalgia affects about 10 million people in the United States, physically, mentally and socially. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome, not a disease – a set of symptoms and medical problems which usually occur together, but are not related to an identifiable cause.

The challenge is that menopausal women confuse many symptoms of hormonal diseases such as chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia imbalance. Women taking replacement therapy bioidentical hormones find relief for their fibromyalgia symptoms.

About 75-90 percent of people with fibromyalgia are women, but it also occurs in men and children of all ethnic groups. Often seen in families, among siblings or mothers and their children, the disorder. The diagnosis is usually made between the ages of 20-50 years, but the incidence increases with age and 80 years, about 8 percent of adults meets the American College of Rheumatology classification of fibromyalgia. Severe fibromyalgia can be debilitating, as it interferes with activities of daily living.

The condition is often characterized by abnormal processing of pain, multiple tender points, fatigue, psychological distress and sleep disorders. Although the symptoms of hormonal imbalance is mainly caused by the incorrect between the levels of progesterone and estrogen in the body relationship, and can have a dramatic effect on health, leading to a number of symptoms of hormonal imbalance They are similar to fibromyalgia.

However, the main symptom of fibromyalgia is chronic widespread body pain, and most people with fibromyalgia also experience sleep disturbances, moderate to extreme fatigue, cognitive difficulties, and sensitivity to touch, light or its. Many people also experience a number of other symptoms and overlapping, such as lupus, arthritis and irritable bowel conditions. Symptoms also include low strength and profound exhaustion. The symptoms of fibromyalgia can vary greatly from one person to another.

Recent research shows that women with bioidentical hormones have experienced relief of symptoms such as insomnia, muscle pain, chronic fatigue, depression and other symptoms typical of fibromyalgia.

A woman talks about her sister to take bioidentical hormones. She said: “She recently functioning and must suffer the consequences of not having the hormones in your body (your fibromyalgia is, she has osteopenia in all joints – your level of pain intensified when it is not in bioidentical hormones.) “.

“In fact, it is the decline in hormones that cause pain in the lower back classic common in middle age,” said the author TS Wiley. “Back pain of old age is really a case of sciatic nerves worn. Scientists have found that natural progesterone increased the expression of genes remyelinates nerves in the rat low back. During the main communication nerve junctions such as rod heart and brain, the son begins to unravel when hormone levels drop.

Estrogen has a peak and the cause of ovulation or not progesterone. Without progesterone remyelinate nerves, peripheral nerve bundles that are further away from the brain first skirmish. The largest, farthest down after the base of his neck, under his zone tail bone in the lower back. “

Is Fibromyalgia Because of Hormone Loss?

Is Fibromyalgia Because of Hormone Loss?

via fibromyalgia tender points

Low Thyroid And Belly Fat

The long list of symptoms of low thyroid can be misleading because it does not have all the symptoms, and can be very sweet, although almost imperceptible at first until they are not and they worsen. Again, is that doctors often do not test low thyroid and when they do, if they have a base that can be noticed that low enough before offering mediation.

Discover the symptoms:

Brittle nails
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Intolerance to cold
Dry cracked heels
Dry skin
Hair Loss
Heat intolerance
Insulin resistance
Irregular or heavy menstruation
Loss of sexual desire
Memory Problems
muscle cramps
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Inflammation of the tongue
Difficulty thinking clearly
Water retention
Gain weight
If you have more than three of them should have an examination by your doctor or a doctor who understands thyroid. Ask for blood tests to be done, and know the meaning of numbers. Even if your TSH is normal does not necessarily mean that your thyroid is normal, and this is the test most commonly used tests for normal vs abnormal thyroid function. Therefore request that your levels of T3 and T4 in serum tested.

If you have excess abdominal fat is important to correct a thyroid problem before trying to lose weight or work off belly fat. Because most of the bad medical understanding levels of T3, may be hard to find doctors who recognize the situation for what it is might want to look around for a nice “thyroid” doctor, especially if you have many of the above symptoms. Many doctors, including endocrinologists, do not know the levels of TSH inaccurate readings, so it is important to ask before going to them for these tests.

Once you deal with your thyroid problem if found one, the next step is to eat right and exercise. Eat foods that are as close to nature, and to exercise all working days up to one hour per day for a certain movement. If you vary your diet and your movement will not be bored and will soon find that the weight is melting and you lose your belly fat. In addition, you will have more energy and be healthier than you’ve ever been before.

Low Thyroid And Belly Fat

Low Thyroid And Belly Fat

via fibromyalgia test

Fibromyalgia Treatments During Pregnancy

For people with fibromyalgia, treatment during pregnancy should include exercise, massage, meditation, rest and relaxation.

This is especially true for chronic pain associated with the disorder. Exercises used for the treatment of fibromyalgia during pregnancy should include natural and soothing guys like yoga, aerobics, pilates and stretching, especially the back. There are low-impact exercises that are recommended for people with fibromyalgia, even if you are not pregnant.

If the choice to participate in massage therapy, be very careful to choose a massage therapist who is experienced and knowledgeable about the pain and massage for pregnant women FM. Furthermore, the heat treatment is a safe treatment of fibromyalgia during pregnancy.

A hot bath does not exceed 100 ° F is a good option for heat therapy, however, are not allowed heating pads and electric blankets.

After birth, doctors recommend the continuation of physical therapy to prevent pain and depression. Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy can lead to a weakening of the ligaments and muscles, which may lead to increased pain.

Therefore, it is especially important to follow a routine of low impact exercises and maintain good sleep habits as much as possible after delivery.

Breastfeeding can reduce your ability to use medications to treat their symptoms. In addition, it can inhibit your ability to get regular sleep in sufficient quantity, which can aggravate your symptoms. It is important to follow the practices of meditation and relaxation that are beneficial during pregnancy, while breastfeeding to reduce or prevent pain and fatigue.

Fibromyalgia Treatments During Pregnancy

Fibromyalgia Treatments During Pregnancy

via fibromyalgia test

Fibromyalgia Symptom Checklist, 5 Ways to Recognize If You Have It!

With more than 100 autoimmune diseases to choose from, how you can say that you can have ? Some of them are quite similar to each other to be misdiagnosed , even by specialists. And probably the most difficult to diagnose autoimmune disease because the symptoms of other conditions seemingly occur together and jam … is fibromyalgia. To see if you have it, take a look at the list of symptoms of fibromyalgia below!

Blood tests and X-rays can work well to identify other diseases, but not fibromyalgia. At present , no diagnostic test , although the genetic predisposition is considered as a factor . That is why the list of symptoms of fibromyalgia is so precious ! There are guidelines established by the American College of Rheumatology , which are used by the majority of health care providers to diagnose fibromyalgia. Guidelines , a person may have fibromyalgia if he or she has the following three conditions in the checklist of symptoms of fibromyalgia :

A . Chronic widespread pain that affects both the left sides of the body above and below the waist and the right

Two . Feeling of pain in at least 11 of 18 possible points of loads when a slight pressure on the area … 9 is applied to the left and right body 9

Three . Chronic widespread pain and tenderness is present for at least 3 months

Now , it is only 3 of the 5 ways to recognize fibromyalgia in our list of fibromyalgia symptoms … is based on the pain points and trigger your provider probably the use of health care by making their diagnosis . The last two criteria are based on other symptoms that support :

. 4 extreme fatigue that does not improve with rest or sleep ; it feels like he exaggerated his training ; delayed stress or physical exertion reaction leaving you feeling tired and / or sick

May Find one or more of the other symptoms of fibromyalgia consistent (other than pain points / SNAP and fatigue) that can vary in intensity and effect …

The following is a list of symptoms that are consistent with the symptoms of fibromyalgia potential list that can accompany the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia :

unexplained change in body weight,
sweats and chills,
muscle stiffness after waking up or after sitting for a long time ,
muscle spasms,
fibrocystic ( lumps, pain ) , chocolate cravings / and / or carbohydrates,
rapid or unusual changes in vision , blind spots
migraines and headaches,
nasal sinusitis / after , allergies ,
ear infections and ringing in the ears ( retinitis )
shortness of breath,
susceptible to mold and yeast
insomnia and sleep disorders,
teeth grinding during sleep,
PMS or menstrual problems , loss of libido and impotence
The irritable bowel syndrome , frequent urination , bloating and nausea ,
pelvic pain and abdominal cramps,
slurred speech , confusion and difficulty following directions,
difficulty concentrating and problems with brain fog , balance and coordination,
disorientation in familiar surroundings , impaired short-term memory ,
burning or tingling in the hands and arms ,
difficulty recognizing certain colors,
hypersensitivity to odors / strong temperature light / light / noise and barometric pressure ,
difficulty driving at night,
panic attacks and anxiety,
depression, crying easily , mood changes , unusual irritability,
chest pain that mimics an irregular / fast heartbeat or heart attack fluttery ,
Mitral valve prolapse ,
blotchy skin , ridges and / or nails nails curve as steep , thick nail cuticles
bruising or skin fear
hair loss ,
nosebleeds, and hemorrhoids.
Keep records of your fibromyalgia symptoms checklist !

Keep track of all your symptoms , no matter how strange it seems . Fibromyalgia has many “faces” that each case is unique and may require treatment that focuses on the specific symptoms of the disease. Discuss your list of fibromyalgia symptoms with your doctor and detail how the symptoms affect your ability to function . Together we can develop a treatment program based on what works for you! And consider adding a nutrition program to strengthen your body and take control of their symptoms.

Fibromyalgia Symptom Checklist, 5 Ways to Recognize If You Have It!

5 Ways to Recognize If You Have It!, Fibromyalgia Symptom Checklist

via fibromyalgia treatments

The Facts on Fibromyalgia

Muscle pain , tingling, burning and numbness are common symptoms of RSI . However, these symptoms are also common in a condition called fibromyalgia . Basically Fibromyalgia means pain in the muscles , tendons and ligaments. It mainly affects women and up to 4 % of the general population.

The pain of fibromyalgia occurs in areas where the muscles attach to the bone or ligaments and is similar to the pain of arthritis. The joints themselves are not affected , however, it does not deform or deteriorate as they may in arthritic conditions. The pain usually originates in an area , usually the neck and shoulders , and then irradiated . Most patients report feeling pain all the time ; and many describe as ” exhausting .” The pain may vary depending on the time of day , climate change , physical activity and the presence of stressful situations ; described as stiffness , burning , throbbing , suddenly radiant, and painful. The pain is usually worse after sleep disorders .

The other major complaint is fatigue, some patients have reported to be more debilitating than the pain. Fatigue and sleep disturbances are , in fact, almost universal among fibromyalgia patients , due to a lack of serotonin , and if these symptoms are not present , while some experts believe that physicians should look for another diagnosis of fibromyalgia . Up to a third of patients suffering from depression and mood disorders and concentration are very common.

Fibromyalgia patients are also prone to stress headaches . Other symptoms include dizziness , tingling or numbness in hands and feet, and gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome with gas, and alternating diarrhea and constipation. Some patients complain of urinary frequency caused by bladder spasms . Women may have painful periods .

Several years ago , fibromyalgia has been classified as a disability “psychological” . It is difficult to understand how it feels to be told you have a mental health problem when your body does not do what you tell it to do . How can it be mentally ? Patients were , in fact, said he was ” in your head. ” Fortunately, the medical field has been enough research to be reclassified as a true physical disability which is often combined with studies and treatment for arthritis and rheumatism.

People with fibromyalgia have the added stress and frustration in your life trying to explain ( all the time) why today do almost anything and the next can barely get out of bed . Depression is a common side effect of FMS and who can question ? Living with a toothache – and the whole body is constantly something only fellow sufferers can really understand. When we have “bad days” the pain may feel like it hot curlers stuck in our muscles. Can you imagine that? I also imagine the fatigue of muscles being bad, it feels like you have turned to jelly. And no matter how you try to exercise your muscles never feel normal again . It’s always like Jell- O fight for your body to perform.

Spouses, family and other people in your life are struggling to understand how it feels when you have FMS or CFS . There are times when I am accused of not pulling their own weight , or just bagging sand. Many are accused of wanting attention. After some time fibromyalgia do not like to talk about and you do not worry about having to make excuses (can not go to the restaurant ( irritable bowel syndrome ) , you can not go hiking , the riding , fair trade , park, etc. – although sometimes fibromyalgia can not be stopped !) . This is why I recommend support groups where you can feel that they are not alone in this situation.

There simply is no way for anyone to understand what happens inside the body fibromyalgia . Because you look quite normal , but you feel like you never normally do. Nobody can see what the problem is . And as it is not known as a disease like cancer does not get the respect that people have cancer . Nobody would deny a cancer patient of his illness because everyone has heard of him . If you have bad days because of his illness with cancer would not question . But because fibromyalgia is not classified as a disease or because of the notoriety ( as a famous person getting FMS) is relatively unknown .

As for doctors – is very common to end up with a diagnosis of FM after everything else is excluded. Many people that I advised FMS also now or once you ‘ve had other problems such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, spontaneously fractured vertebrae or other bones , which is why a chiropractor is useful in the treatment of fibromyalgia . FMS NO is known to cause these problems or be caused by these problems. It is not uncommon to find this type of irregularities in combination. FMS is often triggered (due , but ” active ” so to speak ) by a trauma such as an accident / fall which is what could be the relatively minor physical pain, or more ( does not matter) ; even childbirth can “trigger” or any number of other things . One of the most important factors are the people who have had Mono seem to find that this is the first symptoms begin to appear. Any disease that occurs suddenly seems to trigger fibromyalgia if the person is genetically inclined syndrome. Syndrome really feel is the right word for this condition is really a disease if medically detectable or not does not matter, this condition is real. The lives of many people turn permanently due to the effects of fibromyalgia

Especially – please stop thinking that you must be in a cast , crutches or wrapped in bandages Just because someone is not in a wheelchair or walker will be ” really bad. ” mean that they are not in incredible pain . Fibromyalagia can paralyze a person such as arthritis or multiple sclerosis , symptoms and the feeling is very similar ! More and more cases are reported of people who become bed must use a walker or wheelchair because Fibromyalagia . Chronic fatigue, depression, pain syndrome chronic / Myofascial pain is often found with the FMS . It can be so bad hugged ( a breeze ! ) Can be painful! A cat in a corner, you can feel the bones grinding against bone. Socks touching your toes can be a nightmare of pain. Your sheets and blankets to touch your toes or legs can be so painful that can not sleep . Elastic contact is everywhere a living hell. Imagine having even clothing touching her pain. It was so bad for a woman in her 30s with young children ( and a husband ) who used Dr. Kevorkian to end their misery.

Here is a short list of the most common symptoms of this disease :

or chronic pain throughout the body
or burning , numbness and tingling
or sensitivity to pressure on or around the neck , elbows , hips , thighs and knees are exercised.
or sleep disorders
or chronic fatigue or exhaustion
depression or
or anxiety
or facial pain
or jaw pain (TMJ)
Memory loss or
or irritable bowel
migraine or tension or
o High sensitivity to foods and medications ( allergic reaction).
or a low tolerance to heat and cold
o High sensitivity to bright lights and sounds
or hair loss

Because symptoms develop gradually , this disease is often misdiagnosed. Often diagnosed as a repetitive strain injury ; condition of sleep disorder, irritable bowel syndrome , rheumatoid arthritis or any other medical problem. Based on American College of Rheumatology a person is diagnosed with fibromyalgia when he or she suffers pain throughout the body for at least three months and 11 of 18 tender points present .

who Gets
Experts estimate that Americans have fibromyalgia 3-6000000 . Of these , 80 percent are women. One of the main risk factors are a woman between the ages of 20 and 50. Another risk factor is having a rheumatic disease , such as rheumatoid arthritis , lupus or Sjogren’s syndrome . Fibromyalgia also seems to run in families, so a gene may be at least partially responsible for the state . Most people with fibromyalgia begin to notice symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40. But older children and adults can develop the condition . Women with fibromyalgia typically feel pain throughout your body.

Experts do not know what causes fibromyalgia. There are several theories about causes or possible triggers . Lack of sleep is a possible trigger . Another injured or physical or emotional trauma affecting the brain , spine and nerves. Some experts believe that a viral or bacterial infection plays a role.

Abnormal production of chemicals related to pain in the nervous system also contributes to the symptoms of fibromyalgia. It is believed that any of these factors may cause fibromyalgia symptoms in a person who has already been genetically predisposed to the disease .

The treatment comprises the following elements :
or change of diet and nutrition
or supplements oriented Fibromyalagia
or exercise : Gentle stretching and warm waters and light aerobic activity , if possible.
or physical therapy under the supervision of a chiropractor or naturopathic
or massage therapy
o Avoid activities that focus on the body ( Consider keeping a journal)
regular patterns or sleep
Avoid emotional stress or

Nutrition is very important in this state as a serious physical condition. Avoid caffeine products , sugar, processed foods and fried foods. Blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is often a factor in causing the person with fibromyalgia feel tired. This is why a good nutrition program is very important , eating frequent small meals with protein is very important to maintain the same blood levels .

Whole grains , seeds , nuts , yogurt, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs , cheese and natural cottage cheese should be the basis of your diet. With vegetables and small fruits are appropriate .

A good quality multivitamin is essential for this condition. It is important to replace what the body loses daily. If a person takes no other supplement but a multi- vitamin that helps support your body every day. Co Q 10 in the form of a soft gel 100 mg three times a day can help increase energy.

There is no definitive cure for Fibromyalagia but there are certainly many other methods that can help improve the quality of your life. Medical drug Lyrica has been helpful in relieving pain for many people with fibromyalgia . I still think that natural medicine works best for me.

I think therapy deep tissue massage is performed regularly really keeps down the pain. When I ‘m going through a bad time I always get a massage. It works better than any drug .

Physiotherapy is performed at home is very important for Fibromyalgia. Items in hot water at least three times a week can be a great help to keep joints and muscles flexible . A Jacuzzi or hot tub is definitely one of the best treatments you can do at home not only improves circulation can also perform warm water stretches in it. If you have access to and you can use this log would be a huge change in the body. Using a wet heating on areas of pain for 20 minutes cushion can reduce pain.

The Facts on Fibromyalgia

The Facts on Fibromyalgia

via fibromyalgia treatments